
Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data at Strativ AB


Personal privacy is important to Strativ AB. We strive to maintain a high level of data protection. In this policy we explain how we collect and use personal data. We also describe your rights and how you can enforce them. Strativ AB processes personal data in the course of our business. This mainly takes place in our customer relations, in the sales process and in connection with events we organize.

We protect your personal privacy and take questions about data protection at utmost seriousness. In this Privacy Policy, we describe the processing of personal data that takes place within the framework of our operations, the purpose of the processing, what legal support we have for the processing, who we may share your personal data with and your rights in relation to your personal data. Before you start, we recommend that you read our Privacy Policy carefully how your personal data is processed. For questions about our privacy policy and to exercise the rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data, you are always welcome to contact us at [email protected]



What is personal data and what is the processing of personal data?


Personal data is any information relating to a living natural person that can be directly or indirectly linked to that person. This includes not only names and personal identity numbers, but also, for example, images and e-mail addresses.
Processing of personal data is everything that happens to personal data in IT systems, whether on mobile devices or computers. It includes, for example, collection, recording, structuring, storage, processing and transmission. In some cases, manual records may also be covered.



Personal data manager


Strativ AB is the data controller for the processing carried out within Strativ AB's operations (,
Vasagatan 16, 111 20 Stockholm)



What personal data do we collect about you and why?


We mainly process your name, social security number, address and contact information.



Personal data processors


In some situations, it is necessary for us to engage other parties. For example, different IT providers. They are then data processors for us. We check data processors to ensure that they guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data. When data processors are used, they are only used for purposes that are compatible with our own purposes for processing.



How long do we keep your personal data?


We never keep your personal data longer than necessary for the respective purpose. For example, certain accounting data must be kept for at least seven years due to legislation.



What are your rights as a data subject?


As a data subject, you have a number of rights under current legislation. You have the right to obtain an extract showing what personal data we have recorded about you. You can request correction of inaccurate data and in some cases erasure.



Contact us if you have any questions about how we process personal data.


If you have questions about how we process personal data, contact [email protected], who is responsible for personal data matters. We may make changes to our privacy policy. The latest version of the privacy policy is always available here on the website.





To give you as a visitor the best possible experience of we use cookies. Cookies are used so that we can see the choices you have previously made on the website and so that we can improve the website for you who visit it. Here you can find out how Strativ uses cookies and how you can opt out of them.

At any time, you can refuse to allow cookies by changing your choice and adjusting your browser settings. Choosing to disable cookies may mean that some features of the website will not work. Strativ uses as few cookies as possible on the website.



What is a cookie and what are they used for?


A cookie is a small text file that the website you visit stores on your mobile device or computer. Any website can send cookies to your browser if your browser settings allow it. Cookies are very common on the internet.

  • There are two types of cookies, permanent and temporary/session cookies.
    Permanent cookies are stored as a file for a longer period of time in order to customise the website according to your preferences, choices and interests. They remain on your mobile device and computer until you manually choose to delete them. These are used, for example, when there is something new since you last visited the site.
  • Session cookies are temporarily placed on your mobile device or computer when you visit the website. They disappear when you close the site and are therefore not stored permanently.

Most websites use cookies to improve the usability and experience for you as a visitor. A cookie file is a so-called passive file and cannot spread malware or computer viruses on your mobile device or computer.



How to delete cookies


You can refuse to allow cookies by going into your browser setting and deleting cookies from your hard drive. You can also set your browser to notify you when it receives a cookie. You will then have the option to accept or reject cookies. If you choose not to accept cookies, some of the features of the Strativ website may not work as they would if you had accepted them.



How Strativ processes cookies


Strativ uses third-party cookies such as Google Analytics, which is a statistical tool for evaluating user behaviour. We do this to optimise the user experience and keep statistics on the website. Cookie processing by third parties may involve the transfer of personal data to third countries. Such transfer is protected by appropriate safeguards under the GDPR.



When does Strativ process personal data in connection with cookies?


In connection with the use of cookies, Strativ may process personal data about you. Strativ processes personal data submitted via the website when/if you, for example:

  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Fill in a contact form
  • Looking for a job with us
  • Contact us by e-mail



Targeted advertising


We also use targeted ads to make sure you get the most relevant ads possible. That's why you may see Strativ ads on other websites or social platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn. These cookies only contain information about behavior on our website, such as how you use our website and which pages you have visited.
We use targeted ads through Google Marketing Platform, Facebook and LinkedIn.



Other issues


If you have any questions about our policy, please feel free to contact us by email.




Let us help you!

Then you are most welcome to book a meeting with us! It's super easy - just fill in your contact details and we'll take care of the rest. We look forward to chatting with you and answering any questions you may have!

By clicking on "Book a meeting" you accept our terms of use and privacy policy.

Or contact me!


Sofia Wannerheim

Chief Commercial Officer